Emotional Intelligence

Program Description

This program is designed to significantly improve performance.

We assist the participant undertake a gap analysis of the four critical factors that form the basis of Emotional Intelligence.

Clearly defined, performance outcomes will be articulated as a result of this process. The participant will work with their coach over a ten week period to enable the participant to embed improved performance tools and behaviours into their role.

An internal company sponsor will be an integral part of the process in the areas of clarity of ideal outcomes and a further level of accountability for the participant.

Program Schedule

Engage with Company Sponsor to clarify desired performance and ideal outcomes.

Undertake ½ Day workshop with participant which incorporates:

Extensive gap analysis covering:

  • Self-Awareness
  • Self-Management
  • Social Awareness
  • Social Skills

Articulate agreed performance outcomes and schedule future meetings

Conduct initial implementation session within ten business days

Acquire and adopt agreed Company Sponsor feedback

Conduct a further 4 x fortnightly implementation sessions with participant

At conclusion of program, conduct an evaluation and determine the next best step with the Company Sponsor

Bridging the Gap between perfomance and POTENTIAL™

Program Investment

$3,300 per participant

Minimum 3 participants