BTSQ 10 Steps to Perfect Business Performance

Program Description

While your senior executive team or departments may be made up of high-performance individuals, it doesn’t always translate into operational success and teamwork.

This Operational Planning program helps leaders create and implement solid operational plans for each task within the group’s responsibilities.

In a one or two-day off-site workshop your BTSQ facilitator will work with the group to identify the key accountabilities and develop documented step-by-step action plans with input and consensus from the group.

The result is a more cohesive workgroup with members readily pooling expertise, jointly agreeing to the action plans and taking individual ownership of their roles in implementing the plans.

Regular follow-up meetings are conducted to overcome any challenges that may arise over time and ultimately ensure your plan is implemented and the results achieved.

Operational Programs

"The ordinary done consistently delivers extraordinary results."

Program Investment

$6,600-$13,200 workshop

Plus $1,100 monthly for 6 - 12 months