This program is designed to significantly improve performance.
We believe that true success is achieved when ‘delivering in one part of your life (say work) does not come at the expense of another (say Family)’. Success in one area, such as your career, should not compromise your performance in others. The BTSQ Executive Coaching program helps leaders make important decisions about personal and professional priorities.
The practical and intensive program begins with a one-day off-site session that examines the different aspects of your life and defines your goals in each of them. The result is a professional and personal plan identifying your key challenges and the required strategies/tactics to overcome them. The process is non-judgemental and does not subscribe to any inherited philosophy about ‘Life Balance’. Instead, it allows you to be the author and the sole determiner of how success is defined for you.
To ensure long-term changes and life-changing results, your BTSQ coach works closely with you over 6 to 12 months to implement the plan.
The program equips and empowers the individual to take back control of their personal and professional life with a clear five-year plan articulating where they want to be and how they are going to get there.
Get in touch for an estimate on getting a custom program for your business.